Womens Health

Over 30 Years of Clinical Excellence​, across three clinics.

Womens Health

Evidence shows that pelvic health physiotherapy is crucial for treatment of many conditions affecting women. Woolton physiotherapy Clinic offers specialised services for treatment and management of antenatal, postnatal, post-surgical, and menopausal symptoms.

Some of the conditions we can treat (this list is not exhaustive):

Pelvic Pain
Bladder incontinence such as stress incontinence ( urine leakage with coughing,
sneezing, laughing, standing up or running, heavy lifting), urge incontinence
 (associated with a sense of urgency) and mixed incontinence (involuntary
leakage associated with urgency and also with physical exertion, effort sneezing
or coughing)
Pelvic organ prolapse ( the downward movement of one or more walls of the
Pelvic floor dysfunction ( affects your ability to control your pelvic floor muscles)
Pregnancy pain
Postnatal problems (including tummy gap, pain, safe return to exercise,
incontinence and c-section/abdominal problems)
Anxiety & Stress relief
Menopausal symptoms such as arthralgia, headaches, vasomotor symptoms (
hot flushes , night sweats), psychological symptoms

At your first appointment you can expect a comprehensive assessment including a detailed history, a physical assessment and a personal treatment plan in a friendly and confidential environment. Some conditions may need a more detailed assessment that could include an internal examination. This will be fully explained prior to examination and consent gained from you.

Some of the treatment techniques we use individually or a combination of:

Manual therapy
Soft tissue therapy ( including massage)
Pelvic floor rehabilitation
Core muscle rehabilitation
Pilates classes
Individual and bespoke exercise plans

The Mummy MOT (A comprehensive assessment for mums after C-section or
vaginal delivery including Posture & Functional Movement , Tummy Gap , C-
section & Episiotomy, Bladder/ Bowel & Sexual Dysfunction )

We offer Acupuncture for Women’s Health, Lumbopelvic, Obstetric and Genealogical Conditions:

Dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea
Poly Cystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS)
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Pelvic girdle and lower back pain
Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome
Vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes)

How Can Acupuncture for Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction

Acupuncture is a useful Physiotherapy tool to aid a variety of pains, physical stress from pregnancy, mental health, and symptoms of menopause. Our specially trained women’s health Physiotherapists will work with you to identify your key concerns, and create a treatment plan to help you recover.

Pain management for:

Back pain
Pelvic pain
Carpal tunnel
Neck pain
Pelvic floor or vulval pain
Aids recovery from perineal trauma

May help with symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue may help with pelvic symptoms of menopause

Our highly qualified therapists are members of the:

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
The Health and Care Professions Council
Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports. Medicine
Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists

Society of Orthopaedic Medicine
Manipulative Association of Chartered Physiotherapists
Association of Chartered Physiotherapy in Occupational Health
The Mummy MOT


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